I've won the Aston Martin One-77 three days before Enduro Double Down end. So I played it for five days.
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screenshot of Asphalt 8 EDD - last tryout status at challenge 13 |
Here is my challenge list in Windows :
- First EDD invitation challenge list
- Second EDD invitation challenge list
- Third EDD invitation challenge list
- Fourth EDD invitation challenge list
- Fifth EDD invitation challenge list
- Sixth EDD invitation challenge list
- Seventh EDD invitation challenge list
- Eighth EDD invitation challenge list
- Ninth EDD invitation challenge list
- Tenth EDD invitation challenge list
- Eleventh EDD invitaion challenge list
- Twelfth EDD invitaion challenge list
- Thirteenth EDD invitaion challenge list
- Fourteenth EDD invitaion challenge list
- Fifteenth EDD invitaion challenge list
- Sixteenth EDD invitaion challenge list
- Seventeenth, the last EDD invitation challenge list
* You don't have to read whole challenge list but first, second(or third) and sixth(and fifth)--which I collected more than 20,000 points should be enough.
Failed at ace race:
- 1st tryout - challenge 23 Dragon Tree (I choose Auto-Pass), Challenge 29 Alps
- 2nd tryout - Suddenly keys don't work middle of challenge 12 ace race, Oceanview Derby so I had to re-try. And I failed at challenge 17 London, about 0.3 second behind so I re-tried it. But failed it again.
- 6th tryout - challenge 12 London
- 7th tryout - challenge 7 Dragon Tree (I choose Auto-Pass)
- 15th tryout - challenge 7 Dragon Tree
So 6 times failed on ace race.
Failed at not ace race:
- 3rd tryout: challenge 20 Pagani Huayra, Gate Drift
- 4th tryout: challenge 18 Pagani Huayra, Gate Drift (same challenge as above)
- 5th tryout: challenge 18 Aston Martin One-77, Alps Reverse, Flawless (almost landed from last barrel roll but....)
- 6th tryout: challenge 2 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, The Great Wall with Beat time of 1:11:000
- I know that I shouldn't try this 'Beat a time' challenge but I have triple booster so I thought I can make it.
- That's why so many people suggest not to play this 'Beat time' race unless have fully upgraded car.
- 7th tryout: challenge 13 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, Tokyo Reverse, Beat time
- 8th tryout: challenge 13 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, Tokyo Reverse, Beat time (same as above)
- I'd like to try it. But not a chance. Not only because of rank. Quite huge traffics on the road--also quite different traffics.
- 9th tryout: challenge 27 Lucra L148, Barcelona Reverse, Unplugged, Finish first
- I don't remember how did I fail this one. My Lucra L148 is fully upgraded it so I'm pretty sure that I can easily finish first. Probably two or three times crash to the wall or something.
- 10th tryout: challenge 22 Peugeot Onyx, Sector 8, Beat time 1:08:000
- I know I shouldn't try 'Beat a time' challenge but not much choice so I tried it.
- 11th tryout: challenge 24 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, Rapio Park, Beat time
- Beat the time challenge is hard but why I chose it? It was a misclick.
- See that's why I can't go double at 12 and 17. Low upgraded cars--Bentley, Onyx, were kept pop out in my challenge.
- 12th tryout: Challenge 16 Peugeot Onyx, Temple Drive
- Maybe possible with booster but I failed challenge, anyway.
- 13th tryout: Challenge 15 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, Dubai
- I crashed at the beginning--probably because of traffics. And when I try to enter the shortcut which is big curve, other AI hit me. So I crashed again to the wall. And then I couldn't take the shortcut route. So I failed it.
- 14th tryout: Challenge 14 Pagani Huayra, The Mirage, Infected with traffics.
- Traffics on the road. So I crashed. And then I couldn't pick up the bottle or crash other AI car so I couldn't made it to the finish line.
- 16th tryout: Challenge 18 Aston Martin V12 Vantage, Iceland, Beat time
- I didn't really try it. So I failed.
So 13 times failed on not ace race.
* When I played in Webster Faster One EDD, I felt that ace race wasn't really big deal--if I upgraded enough.
Many times I failed other challenges. Here my stats show same thing. 6 times failed only on ace race. Other challenges are more problematic. That means I must upgrade a lot even if I don't own the car.
EDD wasn't easier than what people are saying.
I remembered the Weber Faster One EDD that it was really difficult but many people are saying that it wasn't that hard. As you can see, it wasn't hard if you upgrade all the necessary cars to max out or more. And use booster a lot.
But as you can see below, it was quite expensive to upgrade. It was okay to upgrade Aston Martin One-77. But problem is Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 and Peugeot Onyx which I don't own. And I probably never afford to buy Peugeot Onyx which costs 6,400 tokens.
You can't afford to buy the car but you have to upgrade it(it's expensive to upgrade) for win.
That's quite crazy, don't you think?
Anyway, in Android, I couldn't get the Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) which required 40,000 points. I probably collected like 23,000+ points.
Of course, I failed badly, that's how I learned. I've won Webster Faster One in Windows.
That's why I knew after collecting 20,000+ points, it will become difficult.
Quote from 6th tryout:
Trying to calculate the safe collecting point for win the car.
I didn't upgrade it because I can collect enough points.
My point is 25,305. So I need 35,000 points to make 60,000 points.
It still remained 6 days. And 3 EDD invitations per day. So 18 EDD invitations to collect 35,000 points.
So if I can get about 1,945 points per EDD invitations, I can win the car.
But actually, next tryout, I did upgrade the car. Because I realised that it will be very hard to beat challenge 12--which will give around 2,610 points with car rank 1618 (max 2322, pro 3253).
Until challenge 7, I will get 1,160 points only. So it wasn't enough for 1,945 points.
So I needed to do until challenge 12. So with 1618 rank, I must use triple booster--that means very expensive because Extra Tank costs 200 tokens.
After 20,000 points, it will become difficult than before. But that's not all.
Challenge 3 Oceanview Derby was my first tryout's challenge 17.
And then it became challenge 12 in second, third, fourth, fifth tryout.
Challenge 7 Dragon Tree was my first tryout's challenge 23.
Challenge 12 London was my second, third, fourth and fifth tryout's challenge 17.
This ace race challenge will stay same until the end.
But what you have to remember is that other not ace race challenge will slightly become difficult. It will not become very hard. But it will.
For example, I saw traffics(other AI cars) on the road at first tryout's challenge 19. But later I've seen traffics on challenge 16 and more later, challenge 13.
So you have to upgrade it slightly more for prepare the difficulty changes.
Quote from 7th tryout:
My strategy for the upgrades
Previous--sixth tryout became difficult because I collected more than 20,000 points. So now I know what to expect. Because this ace race difficulty will stay same. So now I can decide whether how much more upgrade to defeat the ace race.
I know I can win the car. That means I will upgrade it, eventually. So it is better to upgrade now so I can save boosters.
Double booster--Nitro Starter and Tuning Kit isn't expensive but if I kept using it, it will be expensive.
Until this tryout, I probably spend more than 10 that means 175,000 credits. So it is better upgrade more.
Extra Tank is slight different reason, quoted from second tryout:
Previous Weber Faster One EDD, I made mistake almost every time. That made me quite crazy--I probably spend more than 1,300 tokens--problem is I failed on easy task many times.
So this time, I was on Extra Tank almost all the time until yesterday's one--12th EDD invitation.
Collected points (spent tokens):
- 1st - collected 8,300 points (Auto-Pass so spent 500 tokens)
- 2nd - collected 2,630 points (Two times of Re-try so spent 400 tokens)
- 3rd - collected 3,695 points
- 4th - collected 4,760 points
- 5th - collected 4,760 points
- 6th - collected 1,160 points
- 7th - collected 2,630 points (Auto-Pass so spent 250 tokens)
- 8th - collected 2,630 points
- 9th - collected 5,465 points (Re-roll for three times so spent 75 tokens)
- 10th - collected 3,695 points
- 11th - collected 5,465 points
- 12th - collected 2,630 points
- 13th - collected 2,630 points
- 14th - collected 2,630 points
- 15th - collected 0 point
- 16th - collected 3,695 points
- 17th - collected 3,695 points
Spent tokens:
- First and Second tryout, I spent 900 tokens.
- Sixth tryout, I failed at challenge 2. So I spent 40 tokens.
- Seventh tryout, I failed at challenge 7 Dragon Tree ace race so spend 250 tokens for auto-pass. You can read details here - Asphalt 8 EDD(Enduro Double Down), It's harder than what people are saying.
- Ninth tryout, I spent 25 tokens three times(so 75 tokens) for re-roll.
- Total: 1,265 tokens.
Car upgrade status:
- Aston Martin One-77 upgrade status: R1646 (max 2322, pro 5255)
- fully maxed and proed it--Aston Martin V12 Vantage, Lucra L148, Pagani Huayra
- After collecting around 20,000 points, I don't get any more challenge from these fully upgraded cars: AC 378 GT Z, Aston Martin DB9 Coupé, Aston Martin V12 Zagato
- Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 upgrade status: R1544 (max 1211, pro 2222)
- Peugeot Onyx: R1563 (max 2322, pro 1111)
Spent credits and pro cards for upgrade:
Aston Martin One-77 upgrade R1646 (max 2322, pro 5255):
I have only one Free A Class Upgrade from mastery rewards. So I probably saved 250,000 credits.
790,000 credits for upgrade but I spent one free upgrade worth 250,000 credits.
So 540,000 credits.
pro upgrade:
Tires - A x14
Initial Tech x2
V12 Engine x3
Mid-Tech x3
Advanced Tech x2
363,550 credits
Suspension - A x3
Early Tech x2
69,600 credits
Drivetrain - A x14
Initial Tech x2
V12 Engine x3
Mid-Tech x3
Advanced Tech x2
363,550 credits
Exhaust - A x14
Early Tech x2
V12 Engine x3
Mid-Tech x3
Advanced Tech x2
333,350 credits
pro upgrade total:
1,130,050 credits
Tires - A x14
Suspension - A x3
Drivetrain - A x14
Exhaust - A x14
Early Tech x4
Initial Tech x4
Mid-Tech x9
Advanced Tech x6
V12 Engine x9
540,000 upgrade credits + 1,130,050 pro upgrade credits = 1,670,050 credits
* I will have the car so it's not a big deal.
Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 upgrade R1544 (max 1211, pro 2222):
168,800 credits for upgrade
pro upgrade:
Tires - A x3
Suspension - A x3
Drivetrain - A x3
Exhaust - A x3
Early Tech x4
Initial Tech x4
267,025 credits for pro upgrade
So total 435,825 credits.
* I have quite enough Class A cards so I upgraded it pro instead of max upgrade.
Peugeot Onyx upgrade R1563 (max 2322, pro 1111):
179,700 credits for upgrade
pro upgrade:
Tires - S x2
Suspension - S x2
Drivetrain - S x2
Exhaust - S x2
Hybrid Engine x4
54,650 credits for pro upgrade
So total 234,350 credits.
* I have quite enough Class S cards and Hybrid engine card so I upgraded it pro instead of max upgrade.
Bentley EXP10 Speed 6: 435,825 credits
Peugeot Onyx: 234,350 credits
With pro cards.
So 670,175 credits were wasted.
* This is one of the thing that many people don't talk about. If you understand this, R&D and EDD are very difficult and very expensive than what people are saying.
Spent boosters for lower rank of car or play it safe:
Here is the reason why I use boosters:
Previous Weber Faster One EDD, I made a mistake almost every time. So that made me quite crazy--I probably spend more than 1,300 tokens--problem is I failed on easy task many times.
So this time, I was on Extra Tank almost all the time until 12th tryout.
I started to use ace race challenge 7 with triple booster-Nitro Starter+Tuning Kit+Extra Tank. Actually this triple booster is for ace race.
So even if I made a mistake, I probably can catch up the AI.
Other reason is I didn't upgrade enough yet for compete with AI.
* Nowadays, If you don't use booster in EDD or R&D or even TLE(Time-Limited Event), things are really going bad. Because AI cars are very aggressive. They will play suicide with your car. Or barricade road. Or hit the traffics and than make trapped with those corpse of traffics.
If I make a little mistake on the road and then near the finish line--very good example is Iceland, AI suddenly catch up my car and go play suicide or make a trouble so made me failed main goal.
It became more and more necessary items than before.
This is how I use booster:
Many times, I don't even use any booster for TLE(Time-Limited Event). I will use only if I can get better reward because without booster, I can still make within 5,000 in recent daily heat TLE.
For example, yesterday's The Monday Heat TLE:
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Screenshot of Asphlat 8 TLE The Monday Heat result |
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Screenshot of Asphlat 8 TLE The Monday Heat result with position |
As you can see, I didn't use any booster. And made to 1,895 position. So if I use double booster (I don't think it's easy because it was very competitive to make top 1,000 or 500--many times without triple booster is very hard because I don't really have best TLE car like Mitubishi Eclipse, (have a Toyota Supra RZ but don't have i6 engine card to pro. But at least I have a Felino cB7.), McLaren 675LT, Mosler GT3, Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 or Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SS. S class, my best cars are W Motors Lykan HyperSport and Weber Faster One.
In Android, I have Koenigsegg One:1 and Peugeot Onyx but it was almost useless in any TLE and even in MP(Multiplayer).
If I use double booster--Nitro Starter+Tuning Kit, maybe I will get a Nitro Starter. But just one. So should I pay 17,500 credits to get 7,500 credits more? Of course not.
And make within 1,000 position is very competitive so if I can't make it in 5 times (2 fuel to require to play), I had to pay 17,500 credits more for try again. So it's actually expensive.
But if case like this, I will use booster:
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Screenshot of Asphlat 8 TLE The Tuseday Heat |
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Screenshot of Asphlat 8 TLE The Tuseday Heat result with position |
I tried with Nitro Starter but it still isn't enough.
So later I will use Tuning Kit only because it's long track so I probably can make 2 seconds faster than without booster which is enough to get 25 tokens.
Of course, I can use Tuning Kit with other TLE like Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe Cup or Cadillac ATS-V Coupe Cup. Only 10 fuel so I can't try more than two TLE.
So as you can see, I can play quite well even without booster.
I didn't actually write down how many boosters I use. But luckily, I recorded some of EDD ace race. So this is almost beginning one--first try out's challenge 7, Highland View.
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screenshot of Asphalt 8 EDD - my status of booster at the beginning |
I have 41 of Nitro Starter, 29 of Tuning Kit and 56 of Extra Tank.
I use the Extra Tank for safety measure but this helped a lot in any challenge.
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screenshot of Asphalt 8 EDD in 4 days--status 13th tryout before challenge 12 |
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screenshot of Asphalt 8 EDD in 4 days - my status of booster |
I have 15 of Nitro Starter, 12 of Tuning Kit and 52 of Extra Tank.
So I spent
- Nitro Starter x26 worth 195,000 credits
- Tuning Kit x17 worth 170,000 credits
- Extra Tank x4 worth 800 tokens
- Total: 365,000 credits and 800 tokens
How this booster helped in EDD:
I have collected booster from TLE and mastery rewards so I actually didn't spend credits. But I can't get that much easily again.
Last Webster Faster One EDD, I've failed (only 23,000+ points) in Android and I've win in Windows. And in Windows, I've win just before one day and a few hours (or two days) before EDD end.
This time, I've win before three days. So it saved almost two (or one day and 10+ hours) days.
If you play two or three invitation in one go, it will take more than one or two hours.
I will give you more evidence:
I played same EDD in Android later. And I have one more car--Peugeot Onyx than Windows. So I need upgrade for Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 only. And I upgraded Aston Martin One-77 to R1709 (max 2521 pro 5555)--compare to R1646 (max 2322, pro 5255). And upgraded it very earlier than Windows's.
And I already knew what kind of challenge will pop out--it wasn't much different than Windows.
But I've finished only 16th tryout so just one before--17th tryout Windows's EDD.
I upgraded a lot so I didn't much use the booster.
So if I didn't use booster, I must upgrade Aston Martin One-77 a lot and have to more longer days to win the car.
See booster can make a lot of difference.
How much credits, tokens and pro cards were wasted for win the Aston Martin One-77.
I will not include Aston Martin One-77 because I won the car. So all the upgrades and pro upgrades, I will have it.
1,265 tokens for failed challenge.
365,000 credits and 800 tokens for booster.
670,175 credits for upgrades - Bentley EXP10 Speed 6, Peugeot Onyx
1,035,175 credits and 2,065 tokens.
and pro cards:
Tires - A x3
Suspension - A x3
Drivetrain - A x3
Exhaust - A x3
Tires - S x2
Suspension - S x2
Drivetrain - S x2
Exhaust - S x2
Early Tech x4
Initial Tech x4
Hybrid Engine x4
These were just wasted. Those were kind of minimal requirement.
But don't forget. If you don't use booster, you probably need more upgrade for all the cars. I didn't upgrade much for Bentley and Onyx because of booster.
Bentley and Onyx's remain upgrade is quite close to 100,000+ credits so it is still better to use booster. Because remain booster can be use other challenge--especially ace race.
It's possible without booster. But you probably have to max out the all the cars. That means
So if you don't have cars, you have to wasted 6.6 million credits.
Of course, you can upgrade like 4424-ish so save some credits. But it still need a few million credits.
But don't forget. If you don't use booster, you probably need more upgrade for all the cars. I didn't upgrade much for Bentley and Onyx because of booster.
Bentley and Onyx's remain upgrade is quite close to 100,000+ credits so it is still better to use booster. Because remain booster can be use other challenge--especially ace race.
It's possible without booster. But you probably have to max out the all the cars. That means
- 3 million credits for max out the Bentley
- 1.15 million credits for max out the Peugeot Onyx
- 1.53 million credits to max out the Lucra L148
- 1 million credits to max out the AC 378 GT Z
So if you don't have cars, you have to wasted 6.6 million credits.
Of course, you can upgrade like 4424-ish so save some credits. But it still need a few million credits.
EDD rewards:
Yes, there has EDD rewards but this wasn't even enough for upgrade Aston Martin One-77. So I didn't mention it.--- I haven't write it yet.
I tried this EDD in Android again because I have all the cars fully upgraded it except Bentley. And I don't have high-end A class car, too.
* It wasn't very different from Windows. Probably because I have very similar cars for this EDD--only difference is Peugeot Onyx.
- Asphalt 8: Android, first tryout challenge list for the Enduro Double Down - Aston Martin One-77
- Second EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Third EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Fourth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Fifth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Sixth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Seventh EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Eighth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Ninth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Tenth EDD invitation challenge list in Android
- Eleventh EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Twelfth EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Thirteenth EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Fourteenth EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Fifteenth EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
- Sixteenth, the last EDD invitaion challenge list in Android
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